Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dragonball Vegeta Bulma Doujin


The truth is that only look at the cast of great actors that has "True Grit " any movie lover gets a bug in the stomach that pushes him inevitably to the cinema to see a remake even at the risk of contradicting my own theories on why redoing a movie that already has in itself great . Led by award-winning Jeff Bridges ("Crazy Heart" "K-Pax", "The Big Lebowski," "Iron Man", ...) as Roster Cogburn, Matt Damon ("The Bourne Identity", "Ocean's Eleven, twelve and Thirteen "," Invictus, "" Syriana ", ...) the role of LaBeouf, Josh Brolin (" The Goonies, "" Mimic, "" Melinda and Melinda "," Planet Terror ", ...) as Tom Chaney, Barry Pepper (" Saving Private Ryan, "" The Green Mile, "" Flags of Our Fathers "," Seven Pounds ", ...) outlaws giving life to" Lucky "Ned Pepper , and the very young and not least Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie Ross in a great performance surpassing even the irritating Kim Darby greater when brought to life the same character in the original movie back in 1969 .- SPOILER: The argument revolves around the thirst for revenge of a girl whose father has been murdered. This girl named Mattie Ross ventures the search for a constable to help him hunt down the murderer of his father and avenge his death, that's where he met Roster Cogburn accessing after many evasions to fulfill the wish of the girl, beginning a venture that neither will ever forget -END OF SPOILER . This film, directed by the Coen brothers ("Raising Arizona," "Fargo," "The Big Lebowski, The Man Who Was not There," "Ladykillers," "No Country for Old Men", ...) , capable of the best and the worst, get into this film's rescue forget the Western genre in a full digging a somewhat predictable story, even for those who enjoy the original, but with a cosmetic treatment and more than outstanding film, great actors for some great performances, Jeff Bridges is confirmed as what a "actor as the crown of a pine, although had before him a difficult challenge because " True Grit / True Grit " was the film that led to Jonh Wayne to win the coveted golden statuette, but as I said Jeff Bridges is not far behind far from it not only excels in his role, Matt Damon gives a new lesson in his chameleon-like appearance and passes to be labeled "the Guapito" the deal, has gained in experience and professionalism to become one of the best actors of the time no matter who likes it, we may praise the overall performance of all actors and not forgetting of course Hailee Steinfeld meets and how their role as fearless avenger. Good movie in general aspects even though we do not go with the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing the best movie ever, if we will pleased to have delighted in a work sober, high quality, as I said great movie good performances and let's face today, much to my regret and most are more than we could venture to ask before viewing on a large screen.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brent Corrigan And The Teacher Free


A new romantic comedy in which does not escape the clichés or cliches of this type of film - SPOILER : where you can not miss the pretty girl believed to be an eyesore, the successful career he falls for his boss who does not look to her than to ask for things and you do nanny, played by Katherine Heigl ("The Naked Truth," "Grey's Anatomy" ...), his routine life is shattered when a journalist James Marsden ("X-Men 1.2 and 3," "Hairspray," "The Box", ...) having a section in the newspaper he works for a large number of followers devoted to covering weddings, wedding coincides with Jane (Katherine Heigl ), realizing that this is a kind of addicted to this event and that is unable to give any to attend even though they may match dates and times. For Kevin (James Marsden ), everything starts as a kind of unmasking of which is the wedding business, the unnecessary waste on many occasions that a couple is able to disburse advantage 's sister Jane , Tess (Malin Akerman " Watchmen, "" Heartbreak Kid, "" All inclusive "...) snatching the dream comes her sister to win her boss, Edward Burns (" Saving Private Ryan "," Missed Call "...) and that after Jane's present at a party begin to leave the company even promised, Kevin try at first to take advantage of this situation, but gradually it is he who falls Jane POIL END. Predictable love story in which everything just too good, entertaining but of little originality, not suitable for no fan of romantic comedies and it does not add more than girl meets boy who despite not being the man of her dreams just to be, avoiding the topic, in theory, everyone has their prototypes of couples that often the real person or exceeds the initial expectations that often do not get to meet this person to close their eyes and idealize someone who does not correspond with their feelings. Entertaining but typically appeal to fans of the genre.


Monday, February 14, 2011

How Long Does Professional Dye Last


More than expendable history in which most commercial hook is that the mind has left M. Night Shymalan that despite being directed by John Erick Dowdle ( Quarentine ) is based on a story from the first. starring Chris Messina ( my girlfriend's wedding "," Away We Go "," Vicky Cristina Barcelona "...) that plays a marked police for the death of his wife and daughter, something rather little explored or emphasized as it goes from being an almost defining feature of the personality of the protagonist to a mere anecdote that almost goes unnoticed until the end. - SPOILER: The story begins with the mysterious death of a man who is thrown from a building, where it will place the action of the entire plot. In this building go into a group of people outside what happened staying locked into the same elevator. Are gradually feeling the pressure of being caged and inexplicable things begin to occur to the point they start to die one by one, the police had moved to the site is avisada y comienzan a hilar acontecimientos llegando a la conclusión de que una de las personas que están en el ascensor es un asesino, nada más lejos de esto ya que se trata de algo mucho mayor, que les supera y contra el que no podrán luchar de una forma convencional.- FIN DEL SPOILER . Tristemente a pesar de tratarse de una idea del genial y a veces desastroso M.Night Shymalan (“El sexto sentido”, “El bosque”, “Señales”, “La joven del agua”, “El incidente”…), capaz de lo mejor y lo peor, parece que esta es una de esas ideas que no llegan a transmitir bien el mensaje, ya que con un planteamiento more or less interesting, we come to a pretty mediocre film touching the boredom and little interpretive burden, not quite sure whether to blame that the project does not work, is the director, script, actors or a whole bit, we face another one of those I want but I can not approaching a kind of parody of what the horror genre. It is not recommended to spend money on making it to see the film, even those horror fans who like me are able to see almost any shit.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back Pain In Pregnancy 22weeks

Vampire 30 Days of Night and Myriam Benedetta (OT)